Pop up, Peter! : We are showing three-dimensional book worlds in the new exhibition: The pop-up Struwwelpeter. Book art by Marianne R. Petit.

bambini – beatrice alemagna
‘The encounter between a child and a book is an adventure,’ says the renowned Italian-French illustrator and author Beatrice Alemagna. The hands-on exhibition in the gallery shows original sketches, pictures and installations and offers many opportunities to join in.
Guided tours with curator Dominique Petre on Saturday, 30 November, 15:00 (German) and 16:15 (French)

The Struwwelpeter app: Discover the Struwwelpeter Museum with the audio guide. The audio guide is also available in English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Korean and Japanese.
There is an extra tour for children: the museum mouse will guide you through the house! Please bring earphones.
Click here for the free download:
App Store Google Playstore