We – the frankfurter werkgemeinschaft e.V. (fwg) – are a non-profit association located in Frankfurt am Main. We support and develop services and facilities of psychiatric community care in the city.
Heinrich Hoffmann’s lifework was the reform of psychiatry in nineteenth century Frankfurt. His work marks the starting point of efforts to make a good life possible for the mentally ill.
The board of the Struwwelpeter-Museum is dedicated to working for and with the mentally ill. The frankfurter werkgemeinschaft e.V. (or “fwg”) is a broadly diversified social work group focused on the rehabilitation, inclusion, and care of the mentally ill and handicapped. Acceptance, the dismantling of prejudices, and the integration of the mentally ill and handicapped into society are the goals of our work.
According to the degree and severity of the psychiatric problems, we offer pedagogical, professional, and social help to make for an enduring, rewarding life in society.
Since its founding in 1967, the frankfurter werkgemeinschaft e.V. has been a corporate member of the Caritasverband.
For more information on the fwg:
Tel. 069 94 94 767-0
Fax 069 94 94 767-399